Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (12): 133-137.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20230742

• Rock-Soil Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A New Method to Deal with Weak Discontinuous Interface in Seepage Analysis Based on Numerical Manifold Method

JIA Zhen1(), YANG Dong-mei2, ZHENG Hong1   

  1. 1 Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Transportation Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing100124, China
    2 Beijing Municipal Construction Co., Ltd., Beijing 100048, China
  • Received:2023-07-10 Revised:2023-11-02 Published:2024-12-01 Online:2024-12-01


The numerical manifold method is a promising numerical method which uses a dual coverage system consisting of both mathematical and physical coverages. It has the advantages of flexible handling of boundary problems, efficient meshing and convenient improvement of approximation accuracy. Different from the traditional numerical manifold method which cuts the mathematical coverage to form the physical coverage according to the interface, a new weight function is constructed by using the refraction law in the manifold element to establish the local approximation based on the weak discontinuous physical coverage, and it is applied to the steady seepage problem. The accuracy and convenience of the method in solving discontinuous interface problems is demonstrated through the analysis of the calculation of typical seepage flow problems.

Key words: numerical manifold method, seepage analysis, heterogeneity, material interface, refraction law, weak discontinuous

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