Journal Info

Founded: 1984

Publication Frequency: Monthly

Governing Body: Changjiang Water Resources Commission, Ministry of Water Resources

Sponsor: Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Changjiang Water Resources Commission

ISSN 1001-5485

CN 42-1171/TV

Postal Distribution Code: 38-147

Subscription: Available at post offices nationwide

Main column

  • Special Contribution
  • Comprehensive Management of River Basin
  • River-Lake Protection and Regulation
  • Water Resources
  • Water Environment and Water Ecology
  • Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Restoration
  • Water-related Disasters
  • Agricultural Water Conservancy
  • Hydraulics
  • Rock-Soil Engineering
  • Engineering Safety and Disaster Prevention
  • Hydraulic Structure and Material
  • Informatization of Water Conservancy
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Requirements for Manuscripts

  • Requirements for Manuscripts

    Please use the Template of Submitted Manuscript (available in the Download page) and follow the requirements below when drafting and revising your manuscript. Failure to meet our requirements for manuscripts may result in rejection.


    (1) Manuscripts must be original and free from academic misconduct such as multiple submissions, redundant publication, data fabrication or falsification, and plagiarism.


    (2) Manuscripts should be concise, well-argued, and based on reliable data. Authors must be mindful of protecting state secrets. Each manuscript should not exceed 16,000 characters (including tables and figures). Authors must provide their mailing address, phone number and email address in the manuscript. For manuscripts funded by national grants or projects, please include details such as funding source, project name, and grant number. Please provide a brief introduction of the first author on the first page, including name, birth year, gender, ethnicity (Han ethnicity can be omitted), place of origin (province and city or county), professional title, research area, and email address.


    (3) Manuscripts must be properly formatted, with the following elements presented in order:

    a) Title (no more than 22 characters);

    b) Authors (no more than 8 authors), author affiliations, province and city, postal code;

    c) Abstracts in both Chinese and English (Chinese abstract: 300-400 Chinese characters, clearly stating the research objective, methods, results, and main conclusions; English abstract: an extended version of the Chinese abstract with more detail);

    d) Keywords (5-8 keywords, avoiding vague terms);

    e) Chinese Library Classification Number (4th edition), document code (A);

    f) Main text (tables and figures should be inserted in the text, with figure/table numbers and captions. Figures and tables must be referenced in the text, and all captions must be translated into English);

    g) References (should be cited in the text in numerical order, formatted according to the Template of Submitted Manuscript).


    (4) Symbols and units must comply with the official measurement units of the People's Republic of China. All symbols and units should be clearly written in standard typeface, with distinctions made between superscripts and subscripts, uppercase and lowercase letters, and regular or italic fonts (typically, symbols representing variables are in italics, while symbols for constants are in regular type). Symbols for vectors, tensors, and matrices should be written in bold italics. Any easily confused symbols should be clarified upon their first appearance.


    (5) Only essential figures and tables should be included. Figures should not be overly large; they must be legible, with small figures having a width of less than 8 cm and large figures between 12 and 16 cm. The labels for axes (physical quantity names, symbols, and units) should be complete, and all lines, annotation text, and symbols must be clearly depicted. Tables should use a three-line format, with the column headings kept concise. The maximum width for a table is 16 cm.


    (6) Section numbers should be formatted using Arabic numerals in a hierarchical order, aligned to the left margin.


    (7) Manuscripts accepted by the journal may be published online first within two months of acceptance, at the author's request. The final version will be published in the printed edition of the journal.

  • 2023-05-16 Visited: 8690