raybet体育在线 院报 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (7): 104-109.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20220158

• 岩土工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


肖旻1, 王正中2,3,4, 吴浪1, 杨晓松5, 崔浩1, 葛建锐6   

  1. 1.江西科技师范大学 建筑工程学院,南昌 330013;
    2.西北农林科技大学 旱区寒区水工程安全研究中心,陕西 杨凌712100;
    3.西北农林科技大学 旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室,陕西 杨凌 712100;
    4.中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院 冻土工程国家重点实验室,兰州 730000;
    5.塔里木大学 水利与建筑工程学院,新疆 阿拉尔 843300;
    6.兰州理工大学 能源与动力工程学院,兰州 730050
  • 收稿日期:2022-02-25 修回日期:2022-04-30 出版日期:2023-07-01 发布日期:2023-07-01
  • 作者简介:肖 旻(1987-),男,江西赣州人,讲师,博士,主要从事冻土工程及渠道防渗抗冻胀相关研究。E-mail:xmhdts@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Calculation of Frost-Heaving Deformation and Internal Force for Trapezoidal Canal on Pasternak Frozen Soil Foundation

XIAO Min1, WANG Zheng-zhong2,3,4, WU Lang1, YANG Xiao-song5, CUI Hao1, GE Jian-rui6   

  1. 1. School of Civil Engineering, Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University, Nanchang 330013, China;
    2. Research Center of Arid and Cold Regions Water Engineering Safety, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China;
    3. Key Laboratory of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering in Arid and Semiarid Areas of Ministry of Education, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China;
    4. State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering , Northwest Institute of Eco-environment and Resources , CAS, Lanzhou 730000, China;
    5. College of Water Conservancy and Construction Engineering, Tarim University, Alaer 843300, China;
    6. College of Energy and Power Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
  • Received:2022-02-25 Revised:2022-04-30 Published:2023-07-01 Online:2023-07-01

摘要: 为克服现有Winkler模型未考虑渠基冻土连续性的不足,引入Pasternak剪切层描述独立土弹簧间的相互作用,进而提出Pasternak冻土地基上梯形渠道冻胀力学分析方法。对基土均匀冻胀且无顶盖板约束的梯形渠道导出接触面法向应力、衬砌板冻胀位移及截面内力分布的解析式。以甘肃省某梯形渠道为例,应用本文模型和Winkler模型计算各衬砌板冻胀位移分布及接触面法向应力分布,并结合观测值进行了对比。结果表明:本文模型计算结果与观测值符合良好,且相比Winkler模型计算结果更接近观测值,能更加准确地反映衬砌冻胀位移分布规律,表明模型合理性。该模型能较好地体现法向冻胀力随衬砌冻胀变形的释放与衰减;法向冻胀力作用于坡板中下部且呈非线性、差异分布;中上部有脱开、翘起趋势而受法向冻结力作用;底板则只受法向冻胀力作用。研究结果可为梯形渠道抗冻胀设计提供参考。

关键词: 冻土工程, 衬砌渠道, 冻胀变形, 力学模型, Pasternak地基

Abstract: To address the limitations of the existing Winkler model which fails to account for the continuity of frozen soil in the channel bed, we introduce the Pasternak shear layer to describe the interaction between independent soil springs, and further develop a novel analytical method for analyzing the mechanics of frost heave in trapezoidal channels with a frozen permafrost foundation. Analytical formulas are derived for the normal stress on contact surface, the frost heave displacement of lining plates, and the internal force distribution within the cross-section of a trapezoidal channel with uniformly frozen foundation soil and no top cover constraint. With a trapezoidal channel in Gansu Province as a case study, we compare the calculated results of frost heave displacement of the lining plates and the distribution of normal stress on the contact surface obtained from our proposed model with those from the Winkler model. The results demonstrate a good agreement between our model and the observed values, indicating that our model provides a more accurate representation and is closer to the actual observations compared to the Winkler model. This highlights the rationality and reliability of our proposed model. Moreover, the model effectively captures the dynamics of normal frost heave force, including its release and attenuation in response to the deformation of the lining plates. It also accounts for the non-linear and differential distribution of the normal frost heave force on the middle and lower parts of the slope plate, the tendency for detachment and uplift in the middle and upper parts due to the action of normal freezing force, and the exclusive impact of normal frost heave force on the bottom plate. These research findings offer valuable insights and serve as a practical reference for the design of frost heave resistance in trapezoidal channels.

Key words: frozen soil engineering, concrete lining canal, frost heave deformation, mechanical model, Pasternak foundation

