@article{DAI Shu-bing_51, author = {[DAI Shu-bing, LIU Han-sheng, YANG Ji-jian]}, title = {Explicit Calculation Formula of Conjugate Depth forThree Kinds of Parabola-shaped Channels}, publisher = {Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute}, year = {2015}, journal = {Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute}, volume = {32}, number = {8}, eid = {51}, pages = {51-56}, keywords = {
semi-cubic parabola-shaped channel; square parabola-shaped channel; cubic parabola-shaped channel; conjugate depth; explicit calculation formula
}, doi = http://ckyyb.crsri.cn/EN/10.3969/j.issn.1001-5485.2015.08.009 }