@article{CHEN Shuang_147, author = {[CHEN Shuang, FANG Bin-xin, LIU Si-hong, LU Yang, LI Bo-wen, ZHAO Tong-le, GU Yi-ming]}, title = {A Small Shake Table Model Test on Soilbag Cushion with Different Structural Forms}, publisher = {Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute}, year = {2023}, journal = {Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute}, volume = {40}, number = {9}, eid = {147}, pages = {147-154}, keywords = {soilbag cushion;shake table test;arrangement form;retaining structure;interspace between soilbags}, doi = http://ckyyb.crsri.cn/EN/10.11988/ckyyb.20220397 }