@article{WANG Bin_69, author = {[WANG Bin, ZHU Jie-bing, ZHANG Zhen-jie, ZHANG Li-jie]}, title = {Preliminary Discussion on Classifying Surrounding RockmassConsidering Influence of High Ground Temperature andGeothermal Gradient}, publisher = {Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute}, year = {2020}, journal = {Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute}, volume = {37}, number = {8}, eid = {69}, pages = {69-74}, keywords = {classification of engineering rockmass;RMR;GSI;BQ;HC;high geothermal gradient;influence factors}, doi = http://ckyyb.crsri.cn/EN/10.11988/ckyyb.20191526 }