@article{NIU Jiang rui_102, author = {[NIU Jiang rui, YAO Chi, YANG Jian hua, ZHOU Chuang bing]}, title = {Numerical Study on Strength and Crack Coalescence Behavior ofSandstone Containing Two Pre-existing Non-coplanar FissuresBased on Improved Rigid Body Spring Method}, publisher = {Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute}, year = {2017}, journal = {Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute}, volume = {34}, number = {10}, eid = {102}, pages = {102-106}, keywords = {two pre-exisiting non-coplanar fissures in sandstone; crack propagation; anisotropy; rock bridge inclination; crack penetration; rigid body spring method}, doi = http://ckyyb.crsri.cn/EN/10.11988/ckyyb.20160591 }