@article{XIAO Xiao_31, author = {[XIAO Xiao, XU Jian, ZHAO Deng-zhong, HU Cheng-fang, WANG Zhao-hui, CHENG Xue-jun]}, title = {Remote Sensing Assessment of Water Quality for Typical Segmentsin the Middle and Lower Reaches of Hanjiang River}, publisher = {Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute}, year = {2016}, journal = {Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute}, volume = {33}, number = {1}, eid = {31}, pages = {31-37}, keywords = {middle and lower reaches of Hanjiang River; typical segments of river; assessment of water quality;neural network;multi-spectral data; remote sensing inversion model; typical segments of river}, doi = http://ckyyb.crsri.cn/EN/10.11988/ckyyb.20150100 }